Thursday 5 March 2015

Springtime in Kent

It's a beautiful day here in The Garden of England.

There was a thin layer of ice on my car this morning but the sun is now shining and the air is clear. I saw lambs in the fields as I drove to work today. The sheep closest to my village seem to have not started lambing yet, they do look rather heavy though so should produce offspring soon.

There was a full moon last night which bathed the land around my house with a gorgeous silver light, and I felt so privileged to live in such beautiful countryside.  Owls were calling to each other in the distant hedgerows and occasionally a night bird would call.  I am rather perplexed though, I have not yet seen evidence of rabbits, no droppings, holes in the banks beneath the hedges around my garden or half eaten undergrowth.  I wonder if this has something to do with the farming methods or is it because of the recent spell of cold weather.  Perhaps they are all curled up somewhere warm and will pop out soon. 

Good weather is forecast for this weekend, so I suspect spring gardening will be at the top of the jobs to do list.  Where ever you are, have a great weekend and enjoy what good weather you might have.


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