Saturday 1 June 2013

Book Launch, Evil Woman by Carol M. Creasey

Last week I attended to the book launch of 'Evil Woman'.  Carol Creasey, the author of this very exciting thriller asked me to take along some of my books and during the evening I sold a few.
It was so nice to talk with people who have already read my first book, The Belgae Torc, and to get feedback.
Evil Woman is available on Amazon or order from good bookshops.


  1. Hi Kevin,
    Your friend Carol's book sounds intriguing, I like the title. I'll check it out on Amazon. Congratulations on selling a few more books and your first one, too. Sounds like a good time was had by all.

  2. Hello Kimberly,

    Thank you for your comments. I'm looking forward to reading Carol's book. I'm currently going through The Witness very carefully to find the errors then get my publisher to make the changes.
    Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning me in your blog Kevin.
