Monday 30 September 2013

The Beaney Institute, Canterbury Library

I popped into the Beaney library in Canterbury at the weekend and found my books on their shelf. It was such a thrill as this was a favourite haunt of mine during my childhood. I used to dream about seeing my books in the library and now they are. The library at Canterbury is a very busy place and has just gone through a refurbishment program that took two years to complete. It is also a museum and meeting place, so lots of people coming and going. I was signing books there a couple of weeks ago, it was great fun as I got the opportunity to speak to lots of people and raise my profile.


  1. Congratulations Kevin on having your books on library shelves. It must be a great thrill. Especially, having it so close to home! I love both your books and look forward to more.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Kimberly. :-)
