Thursday 8 April 2021

Short story in progress

Another short story or will it morph into something more?


I have been working these last four weeks, helping out at my previous employer who is particularly busy and short staffed at the moment.

This unfortunately has had a detrimental on my completing the novel that I have been writing these past few months.  Its almost finished and as you can imagine has reached a critical stage where the plot comes together and the twists and turns become relevant.  I have made loads of notes and prompts throughout the writing process but now feel that I need to read through the manuscript before continuing to the finale.  I'm back to work next week so this will have to wait until I have more time and can focus on this critical part of the writing process.

However, the itch to write needs to be scratched so I began to write a short story yesterday.  Having introduced the characters and laid down the foundations for the plot I now feel that it could develop into a novella or perhaps something longer.  Only time will tell and of course the cajoling characters who are constantly making their thoughts known.  

Their thoughts or my thoughts?

Happy reading and stay safe.

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