Tuesday 11 December 2012

Editing The Witness

Last night I started the final edit for my next novel, The Witness. I wrote the disclaimer, the aknowledgements and the dedication, also tweaked up the back of book synopsis. The editing process will probably take 6 - 8 weeks then hopefully the polished manuscript will be ready for the publisher. There are usually changes that need to be made once the manuscript if turned into a PDF file, but by then things get a bit more complicated. Any changes that I want to make after that has to be done by the publisher, I have to send a report instructing them as to what I want done, so it's good practice to have all the changes made before it goes PDF. Loads of work to do then, but In addition to that I have to keep the plot moving for the next book in the Torc trilogy. I really need to give up the day job!

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