Sunday, 11 May 2014

New Book Launch Venue

Whitstable Rugby Club

I have finally secured a venue for my book launch.  This year it will be held on Saturday 2nd August at Whitstable Rugby Club.  This is my old club, I used to play for Whitstable and also coach the Mini and Junior section.  I was fixture secretary for the Mini and Juniors, and was a member of the committee for about twelve years.  I left all that behind in 2002 and have not been back to the clubhouse since, so it was a trip down memory lane when I called in there last week to make the arrangements for my book launch.
The rugby club is bigger than where I usually hold my events and it also benefits from having its own car park.  Parking in the town is a premium and during July and August the place is usually full of visitors.  The rugby club is easier to find, and as I have more and more guests attending each year it was important to find an alternative and bigger venue.

Latest news on progress.

  • The book cover has now been agreed and it looks great.
  • The manuscript is undergoing proofreading and comments coming back are very good.
  • Promotion opportunities are under way with an appearance at Canterbury library on 1st November.
  • My publisher is helping me to promote my books in libraries across Britain and Canterbury want copies of the book as soon as its available.
I am now busy researching for the next book in The Torc Trilogy.  I'm itching to write the first chapter but am holding back as there are loads of things I need to do in the run up to the launch.  I also have to update my website, so busy, busy, busy!


  1. Hi Kevin,

    Whitstable Rugby Club looks like a wonderful place to hold such an exciting event. I love the fact that you have such history there, as well. Congrats on the book cover, I'm very excited to see it and best of luck with everything else...such an exciting time for you and I'm very happy to be along for the ride :)

  2. Hello Kimberly,

    Thank you very much for your message.
    The rugby club is about a mile from where I live so is very convenient for my event.
    Good luck this week with your interviews.

    Kind regards

  3. Hi Kevin,

    Thank you Kevin. Keep Calm and Carry On! :)
