Sunday 24 May 2020

Rare hardback copies

There were only ever four hardback copies printed, three of which  were sold at the book launch in 2016
I have the fourth copy

The kindle version is still on offer from Amazon at just 99p or $1.21


Thoroughly enjoyed the previous two books in the series and maybe loved this one even more. Filled with suspense, action and a wee bit of romance, the final book in the three part series did not disappoint. In fact, I will now miss Orlagh and Jerry especially, but also Jack who reminded me a bit of a James Bond action man. Set mostly in Ireland, the story builds to such a high crescendo, I wasn't sure how it was going to be resolved. Weaving in history, both recent and mythical was a huge bonus to the story-telling and placed the modern-day action into a satisfying layered complexity which I thoroughly enjoyed. Terrific end to an entertaining and well-written series!

Loved it just as much as the previous two & suggest you read them in order. Almost sad it came to an end & hoping as I could see opportunities for maybe Jack to have a story of his own that there will be more in the future. I found myself thinking that this whole story across the three books is so realistic you could imagine that this could be going on out there in the world. Exceedingly well written & well edited. I look forward to reading more of his work.

Thoroughly enjoyed the previous two books in the series and maybe loved this one even more. Filled with suspense, action and a wee bit of romance, the final book in the three part series did not disappoint. In fact, I will now miss Orlagh and Jerry especially, but also Jack who reminded me a bit of a James Bond action man. Set mostly in Ireland, the story builds to such a high crescendo, I wasn't sure how it was going to be resolved. Weaving in history, both recent and mythical was a huge bonus to the story-telling and placed the modern-day action into a satisfying layered complexity which I thoroughly enjoyed. Terrific end to an entertaining and well-written series!

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