Monday 21 May 2012

My book launch date is looming awfully close and still I have not seen the final draft. My publisher was supposed to send it to me last week but as yet nothing. I can only suppose that they have things under control and dates that have been discussed will remain in place, although I still have to firm up a venue date nothing can be confirmed until I know for sure. Invites have to be sent out and books ordered etc. On a more positive note, I went to Brighton on Friday evening to see my daughter and enjoy some of the delights of the Brighton Fringe Festival. This was partly to celebrate my wife's birthday and to see where our daughter works. Anyway, on waking early Saturday morning with a mild hangover, I had the first chapter of my new novel complete in my head, so grabbing a notebook and pen dashed it off before anyone else woke up. Good news, at least now I have a new project to work on instead of worrying about my upcoming book lunch.

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